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What we do Finance Business Partners Business Acumen Commercial Awareness Business Performance Investment Ready
Our services Bespoke Programmes Training Courses Workshops Coaching & Mentoring
Our Customers Small Medium (SME) High Growth Entrepreneurs Organisations Finance Professional

At the heart of all Indigo’s consultancy and learning & development programmes is the desire to make a difference and add value as a strategic partner to your business. Our origins lie in financial literacy and embedding learning programmes, delivering behavioural change deep into your business. Your financial business performance is our focus.

When assessing your business, understanding your business model and developing programmes accordingly, Indigo will always have its sights firmly set on the key performance indicators you are using to drive your business forward. We want to understand fully to ensure they underpin the basis for any programme we may develop, in order that we can demonstrate a Return on Investment (ROI) for the money you are spending with Indigo.

If we feel at any time,  unable to deliver a comprehensive ROI, we will be  transparent and explain this. We follow our own policy of Communication, Engagement and Performance, ensuring we have total integrity in everything we deliver.

We are all operating in challenging economic times.  At Indigo we are committed to working with you to enhance focus on commercial/ financial performance in your business. Our approach and quality programmes develop skill and understanding for all staff and provide key finance personnel with the ability to operate as genuine business partners. The changes in behaviour we deliver are designed to provide firm foundations for the fruitful times ahead. Our mission is ensuring your business not only survives but thrives in the future.

Please see Our Approach and Indigo Story for further information on our unique service, or contact us for more detail.